Family Group


Frederick Pilling Sellers     
  Born: BET JUL AND SEP 1889 - Bury, Lancashire, England
  Marr: 4 AUG 1914 - Bury, Lancashire, England
  Died: -
Father: Frederick Sellers
Mother: Sarah Horrocks
Other Spouses:

Betsy Nuttall     
  Born: BET OCT AND DEC 1891 - Bury, Lancashire, England
  Died: -
Father: Richard Nuttall
Mother: Mary Ann Walsh
Other Spouses:

1. Frederick Nuttall Sellers    
  Born: 2 MAY 1916 - Bury, Lancashire, England
  Marr: 1939 - Beatrice Haslam
  Died: JUL 1997 - 2. Richard Sellers 
  Born: 23 FEB 1921 -
  Died: - 3. Tom Sellers 
  Born: 18 MAY 1923 -
  Died: - 4. Clifford Sellers 
  Born: Private -
  Died: - 5. Dorothy Sellers 
  Born: Private -
  Died: -
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